A Quilt Guild based in Rutland, Vermont, with members from surrounding towns and counties.
Thank you everyone who participated in
""Community Service""
**New Location--GRACE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, 8 Court Street, Rutland
*See Map at bottom of this page
The S.M.U.G.G.L.E. Principles
Karen Brow-Mieir
Enjoy a warm and colorful lecture and slide show highlighting Karen's Quilting of over 20 years. She will talk about her specific techniques which have been her signature in her unique quilts.
See MLQ Fun and Challenges for pics of previous
****Remember donations to Newstory House every month****
--Cleaning products, household and paper goods, feminine products, monetary donations--
**** other donations - pillowcases or twin size quilts sewn by members of the Guild
is a passion even in times of Zoom meetings
Members-You can send your pic to be seen on the Zoom screen.
We will try to put some pictures on-line each after each meeting.
A great thanks to the Vendors from our Quilt Show 2023